Where to Buy Books in Vegas
In my first blog post, I discussed my hatred of Amazon and love of libraries. I also tapped The Writer’s Block as #TheVegasILove. And as much as both libraries and The Writer’s Block are wonderful they’re not the only game in town. I’m going to assume you enjoy supporting local businesses rather than large corporations (because you’re a good person, right?). So to aid you in that support, here are profiles on three amazing locally owned bookstores.

Dragon Castle Books (Used)
This used bookstore is owned and operated by a mother/son team: Carla and Danny. As soon as I walked in, Carla greeted me from behind a counter surrounded by books of all sizes, shapes, and genres. Some books were gilded, some colorful, others thick or worn. The image called back a scene from the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland, where a happy pirate sits among his sparkly, hard-earned treasure.
Carla is the consummate book lover, before opening her own space she would seek out and visit used bookstores every chance she got. The hunts occurred during lunch breaks and vacations. On weekends she would feed the hunger for exploration with five kids in tow.

In 2014 that passion finally delivered Dragon Castle Books. A place where Carla and Danny will do everything in their power to make sure you get what you’re looking for. Although they’ve built a strong reputation in Sci-Fi reading circles, their offerings are eclectic. To ensure and encourage a new generation of bookworms, the store boasts a wide selection of kids’ volumes at affordable prices. This summer they’ve expanded the store in order to better house a burgeoning comic book and graphic novel collection.

The atmosphere at Dragon Castle Books is no-nonsense; the experience is all about the books. It reminds me of the shops I would visit with my grandmother as a child, where the books smelled of another time when opened and the pages felt brambly as I turned them. Granted, Dragon Castle Books is actually well-lit and organized, unlike the shops that crowd my memory. But it still feels familiar, like I’ve been there before. I know I will definitely be there again.
You can follow Dragon Castle Books on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram

Janco Books (New and Used)
I spent an inordinate amount of time at Janco Books. Not because I was browsing their shelves (built by community members) or taking pictures of their cozy but airy interior. I spent an entire afternoon at Janco Books because I was absorbed in conversation with their Event Coordinator and Clark County’s Poet Laureate Vogue Robinson.
Some people draw you in with intelligence, others with passion, and a lucky few enthrall you with charisma. Vogue, traps you in a magnetic combination of all three. It’s no surprise then that she and business partner Brandi have a similar vision for their minority, female, queer owned store.

Janco Books doesn’t feel like a shop, it feels like the place you come to escape life’s incessant noise, a sanctuary. Opened in 2017, the space is well appointed for writers and artists alike. There are comfy couches, sturdy tables equipped with extension cords, and an adorable kids’ area. A desire to create “a hub for learning and personal growth” has nurtured a spot that’s as comforting as a home but with fewer distractions. Vogue and Brandi’s talents run the gamut, as do the events Janco Books plans to host.

Check their calendar often for updates and information on, workshops from writing to yoga, craft night (where you can complete that cool thing you’ve been working on), and tea parties led by a resident tea expert (a texpert?). If you decide to spend time at this shop (and I think you should), you will quickly learn what I did. That this is no mere storefront made of brick and paint, but a living, breathing organism that feeds on community and poops joy and support. And I’m completely here for it.
You can follow Janco Books on Facebook and Instagram.

Amber Unicorn Books (Used)
“When you’ve done this for 30 years, it’s in your blood”, says Amber Unicorn Books owner Myrna. It’s true, this store has been around for a long time, and it’s weathered all kinds of upheaval. The most recent and devastating one is the loss of Myrna’s husband and co-owner Lou. The two ran the store together for years, cultivating a loyal following that extends well beyond Nevada’s borders.

The smile on her face when she told me how much she enjoys guiding a young chef through the shop’s 16,000 cookbooks was proof of what has inspired such far-reaching support. Customer service is the top priority at Amber Unicorn Books, something which Lou insisted on in life and Myrna and her staff continues to excel at.

I could spend days wandering through the stacks of this store. They are piled high and feature such designations as ‘Military’ or ‘For Writers’. The height of the shelves creates a corridor of sorts, funneling you toward even more such corridors and even more books. If God is just, this is what heaven looks like. Forget the pool, the movie theater, or the mall; this is the perfect place to withdraw from the Vegas heat.
It's an old-fashioned store, with old-fashioned fixtures, but there is nothing old-fashioned about the love or dedication that has been poured into this Las Vegas institution over the years. I challenge you to walk through the doors of Amber Unicorn Books and not fall prey to its overpowering charm.
You can follow Amber Unicorn Books on Facebook.
These three stores are not just places where you can buy a book, they offer something more. But don’t trick yourself into thinking they can survive without your support. Don’t leave it up to someone else to ensure that Las Vegas continues to have a soul. Be the reason that soul thrives. We all need to do our part, luckily in this case ‘doing our part’ means meeting some inspirational people and buying their books. Sounds like a win-win to me.

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Myrna/Amber Unicorn Books
Thank you Veronica for a wonderful and delightful blog. You were able to capture the feeling of used book stores that all of us want. As a side note that you might find interesting is that Janco is located in what was our very first store in Las Vegas, and Carla and Danny worked for us for 2 years plus to learn the book business. It is such a very small world.
Veronica Klash
That’s amazing Myrna, I had no idea! It’s so funny how Vegas is really such a small town, everyone is just 1-2 degrees of separation away from each other. Thank you for sitting down and talking with me, I really appreciate it.